Memory training ?interests many?parents, particularly with the arrival of?a child in a school?requiring?to remember?large volumes of information.
The following memory training exercises?are often used?by kindergarten teachers?and elementary?school classes?for developing all types?of?memory?in children.?Counselors?in summer camps?often include them?into a complex?developmental?events. So you can practice these with your child too.
Photographic Memory
A person quickly remembers that it pays attention to. In this game, we learn to focus on objects. Training is as follows. Put different things on the desk: toys, pens, postcards, pencils. Encourage your child to look closely at them, remembering what where lies ? like take a picture look. Then let him close his eyes and remember how much things were, their shape, color, size and location.
Repetition is the mother of learning
Everyone knows this saying. But do you know how correctly have to repeat? In order to better remember the material (for example, a poem), to follow the following scheme:
- read aloud a few times;
- reproduce from memory immediately after reading;
- repeated after 20 minutes;
- repeated after 8 hours;
- repeated after a day, preferably at night.
The fact is that memory can be short-term and long-term. First of all runs the short-term memory. Any of us can repeat the last sentence of the interlocutor immediately after its utterance, but in a few minutes we will give only a general sense of it, but not literally, because the volume of short-term memory is low. By repeating, information ?moves? in the long-term memory, which can be stored for much longer ? if we are using of stored data.
Ancient Memory Improvement Technique ? Cicero Method
The ancient orator Cicero, when preparing his speeches, used the following method of memorization: Each excerpt of his speech he had memorized in different rooms, connecting the text with a certain corner of the house, and then, speaking at meeting of the Senate, mentally repeating his way. Try to learn a poem with your child, tying each line to the circumstances in his room. Sensory memory, which is the basis for short-term memory refers to the senses. This is why memorizing signals are working fast.
Yawning -??improves the ability to focus
When yawning happens a vigorous supply of the brain with oxygen. Therefore, improves the ability to focus. Want more results? During the yawn, massage the lower jaw ? that you stimulate the work of numerous nerves that go straight to the brain.
Mens sana in corpore sano
? or ??a?sound mind in a healthy body?, what does it mean??Any physical activity improves blood circulation of the brain, activates the mental processes that provide the perception, processing and reproduction of information. Moreover, sports require concentration and focus what trains the mechanisms of memory.
Massage?stimulates?blood circulation
Teach your child?the simplest?ways of?self-massage:?a light?tapping?on the chest?and neck?also stimulates?blood circulation,?relieves stress,?helps?the brain.?Enter?this exercisein the?morning exercises?- then?will become a regular?massage.
Developing brain hemispheres
Try once a week to do the opposite: brush your teeth with your left hand (left-handed ? of course, with the right), hold ?the wrong way? spoon and fork, write in a draft with the wrong hand. This will help strengthen the hemisphere of the brain, which in ordinary life is less loaded.
Aromatherapy ? stimulates memory
Another tip ? from aromatherapists. Rosemary, lemon and peppermint essential oils stimulates the memory. So you can ignite in child?s room the aroma lamp with a drop of oil.
Good nutrition ? also?contributes to memory improvement
Fish, seafood, vegetable oil, cereals, vegetables,?improve memory.?A small amount of flour?and potatoes, too,?will not hurt: carbohydrates?provide?energy to?the body. Sweets, on the contrary, is better?to limit.?Although?a piece of chocolate?is able to ?whip up??a tired brain.?Do not forget about?multivitamins, especially?important for the?memory ? iodine.
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